This example illustrates how to determine a helical pair's joint-rate, screw coordinates, and pitch from its Cartesian twist .
%clear all
TwistERel0Res0 = [0; 0; 2; -40; 0; 10] % [rad/s; cm/s]
TwistERel0Res0 = 0 0 2 -40 0 10
omegaERel0Res0 = [TwistERel0Res0(1); TwistERel0Res0(2); TwistERel0Res0(3)]; % [rad/s] VERel0Res0 = [TwistERel0Res0(4); TwistERel0Res0(5); TwistERel0Res0(6)]; % [cm/s] theta1Dot = norm(omegaERel0Res0) % rad/s
theta1Dot = 2
S1Res0 = omegaERel0Res0/theta1Dot %[unitless] SO1ERes0 = VERel0Res0/theta1Dot % [cm] Screw1ERes0 = [S1Res0; SO1ERes0] % [unitless; cm]
S1Res0 = 0 0 1 SO1ERes0 = -20 0 5 Screw1ERes0 = 0 0 1 -20 0 5
h1 = dot(S1Res0, SO1ERes0) % cm
h1 = 5
This MATLAB example illustrates a computation from the textbook Fundamentals of Robot Mechanics by G. L. Long, Quintus-Hyperion Press, 2015. See http://www.RobotMechanicsControl.info for additional relevant files.