This example illustrates how to find an applied wrench at a given location on a rigid body.
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F1 = [0; 0; 5]; % N F2 = [0; 6; 0]; % N M1 = [0; 0; -7]; % N-cm M2 = [0; -8; 0]; % N-cm
X1RelA = [0; 3; -2]; % cm X2RelA = [8; 0; 0]; % cm F = F1 + F2 MA = cross(X1RelA, F1) + cross(X2RelA, F2) + M1 + M2 WA = [F; MA]
F = 0 6 5 MA = 15 -8 41 WA = 0 6 5 15 -8 41
S = F/norm(F) % [unitless] SOA = MA/norm(F) % [cm] ScrewA = [S; SOA] % [unitless; cm] h = dot(S, SOA)/sqrt(dot(S, S))
S = 0 0.7682 0.6402 SOA = 1.9206 -1.0243 5.2495 ScrewA = 0 0.7682 0.6402 1.9206 -1.0243 5.2495 h = 2.5738
MPar = dot(MA, S)*S MPerp = MA - MPar d = norm(MPerp)/norm(F) ud = cross(F, MPerp)/norm(cross(F, MPerp)) XBRelA = d*ud h_check = norm(MPar)/norm(F)
MPar = 0 15.4426 12.8689 MPerp = 15.0000 -23.4426 28.1311 d = 5.0666 ud = 0.9254 0.2427 -0.2912 XBRelA = 4.6885 1.2295 -1.4754 h_check = 2.5738
This MATLAB example illustrates a computation from the textbook Fundamentals of Robot Mechanics by G. L. Long, Quintus-Hyperion Press, 2015. See http://www.RobotMechanicsControl.info for other relevant files.