Robot Mechanics and Control Robot Mechanics and Control

Example 4.08:: Offset Spherical Manipulator: Algebraic Solution (MATLAB)

This example uses the algebraic method to compute the inverse kinematics for the offset spherical manipulator.


Clear All Workspace Objects and Reset All Assumptions

clear all

Structural Parameters

d2 = 18; %cm

Position and Orientation for OXYZ6

Given information.

T6N = [ 0  0  1  18
        0  1  0  50
       -1  0  0   0
        0  0  0   1 ];

Normal, Orientation, Approach, and Position Vectors

Extract these vectors from T6N.

nx = T6N(1,1);
ny = T6N(2,1);
nz = T6N(3,1);

ox = T6N(1,2);
oy = T6N(2,2);
oz = T6N(3,2);

ax = T6N(1,3);
ay = T6N(2,3);
az = T6N(3,3);

px = T6N(1,4);
py = T6N(2,4);
pz = T6N(3,4);

Right-Shoulder Solution for $\theta_{1}$

theta1R = atan2d(py, px) + atan2d(d2, sqrt(px*px + py*py - d2*d2)); % deg
theta1 = theta1R % deg
theta1 =


Solution for $\theta_{2}$

theta2 = atan2d(-pz*cosd(theta1) - py*sind(theta1), pz) % deg
theta2 =


Solution for $d_{3}$

V114 = px*cosd(theta1) + py*sind(theta1);
d3 = -V114*sind(theta2) + pz*cosd(theta2) % cm
d3 =


Solution for $\theta_{4}$, No-Flip

V113 = ax*cosd(theta1) + ay*sind(theta1);
V133 = ax*sind(theta1) - ay*cosd(theta1);
V213 = az*sind(theta2) + V113*cosd(theta2);
theta4NF = atan2d(V133, -V213);
theta4 = theta4NF % deg
theta4 =


Solution for $\theta_{5}$, No-Flip

V233 = az*cosd(theta2) - V113*sind(theta2);
theta5NF = atan2d(V133*sind(theta4) - V213*cosd(theta4), V233);
theta5 = theta5NF % deg
theta5 =


Solution for $\theta_{6}$, No-Flip

V112 = ox*cosd(theta1) + oy*sind(theta1);
V132 = ox*sind(theta1) - oy*cosd(theta1);
V212 = oz*sind(theta2) + V112*cosd(theta2);
V232 = oz*cosd(theta2) - V112*sind(theta2);
V412 = V212*cosd(theta4) - V132*sind(theta4);
V432 = V212*sind(theta4) + V132*cosd(theta4);
theta6NF = atan2d(-V232*sind(theta5) - V412*cosd(theta5), - V432);
theta6 = theta6NF % deg
theta6 =


Solution for $\theta_{4}$, Flip

theta4F = atan2d(-V133, V213);
theta4 = theta4F % deg
theta4 =


Solution for $\theta_{5}$, Flip

theta5F = atan2d(V133*sind(theta4) - V213*cosd(theta4), V233); % deg
theta5 = theta5F % deg
theta5 =


Solution for $\theta_{6}$, Flip

V412 = V212*cosd(theta4) - V132*sind(theta4);
V432 = V212*sind(theta4) + V132*cosd(theta4);
theta6F = atan2d(-V232*sind(theta5) - V412*cosd(theta5), - V432); % deg
theta6 = theta6F % deg
theta6 =


This MATLAB example illustrates a computation from the textbook Fundamentals of Robot Mechanics by G. L. Long, Quintus-Hyperion Press, 2015. See for additional relevant files.