This example computes the forward kinematics for the Puma 560 manipulator. It uses the DH parameters reported by Paul and Zhang in Computationally Efficient Kinematics for Manipulators with Spherical Wrists Based on the Homogeneous Transformation Representation, 1986.
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theta1 = 90; % deg theta2 = 90; % deg theta3 = -180; % deg theta23 = theta2 + theta3; % deg theta4 = 90; % deg theta5 = 90; % deg theta6 = -90; % deg
a2 = 43.18; % cm a3 = 1.91; % cm d3 = 12.54; % cm d4 = 43.18; % cm
U512 = -cosd(theta5)*sind(theta6); U522 = -sind(theta5)*sind(theta6); U412 = -sind(theta4)*cosd(theta6) + cosd(theta4)*U512; U413 = -cosd(theta4)*sind(theta5); U422 = cosd(theta4)*cosd(theta6) + sind(theta4)*U512; U423 = -sind(theta4)*sind(theta5); U212 = cosd(theta23)*U412 - sind(theta23)*U522; U213 = -sind(theta23)*cosd(theta5) + cosd(theta23)*U413; U214 = a2*cosd(theta2) - d4*sind(theta23) + a3*cosd(theta23); U222 = sind(theta23)*U412 + cosd(theta23)*U522; U223 = cosd(theta23)*cosd(theta5) + sind(theta23)*U413; U224 = a2*sind(theta2) + a3*sind(theta23) + d4*cosd(theta23);
U112 = U212*cosd(theta1) - U422*sind(theta1); U122 = U212*sind(theta1) + U422*cosd(theta1); j6Res0 = [U112; U122; U222];
U113 = U213*cosd(theta1) - U423*sind(theta1); U123 = U213*sind(theta1) + U423*cosd(theta1); k6Res0 = [U113; U123; U223];
i6Res0 = cross(j6Res0, k6Res0);
U114 = U214*cosd(theta1) + d3*sind(theta1); U124 = U214*sind(theta1) - d3*cosd(theta1); X6Rel0Res0 = [U114; U124; U224];
T60 = [i6Res0 j6Res0 k6Res0 X6Rel0Res0; 0 0 0 1]
T60 = 0 0 1.0000 12.5400 0 1.0000 0 43.1800 -1.0000 0 0 41.2700 0 0 0 1.0000
This MATLAB example illustrates a computation from the textbook Fundamentals of Robot Mechanics by G. L. Long, Quintus-Hyperion Press, 2015. See http://www.RobotMechanicsControl.info for additional relevant files.